Health in Clay City (Kentucky)
In our directory you will find all the companies that belong to the category of Health in Clay City, KY. Find quickly their addresses, phone numbers, customer reviews, hours of operation, photos and other information.
Quick go:
- Clay City Barber-StylistEstablishment, Health, Hair care5649 Main Street, Clay City, KY 40312+1 606-663-0963
- Clay City Pediatrics & Primary CareEstablishment, Health98 River Street, Clay City, KY 40312+1 606-663-7788Closed now: Until 08:00am
- Dr. Regina A. Stevens, DDSEstablishment, Health, Dentist98 River Street, Clay City, KY 40312+1 606-663-0106
- Ky River Foothills DevelopmentEstablishment, Health176 12th Street, Clay City, KY 40312+1 606-663-2659
- Mercy Medical Clinic-PowellEstablishment, Health9732, 749 Irvine Road, Clay City, KY 40312+1 606-663-2153Closed now: Until 08:30am
Types of companies
- All types
- Atm
- Bakery
- Bank
- Cafe
- Car dealer
- Car repair
- Cemetery
- Church
- Clothing store
- Convenience store
- Dentist
- Doctor
- Electronics store
- Establishment
- Finance
- Florist
- Food
- Funeral home
- Furniture store
- Gas station
- General contractor
- Hair care
- Hardware store
- Health
- Home goods store
- Insurance agency
- Jewelry store
- Laundry
- Local government office
- Lodging
- Moving company
- Museum
- Painter
- Park
- Pharmacy
- Place of worship
- Post office
- Real estate agency
- Restaurant
- School
- Storage
- Travel agency